By clicking "I agree," I affirm that the information provided on this form is true and complete. I understand and agree that the Board of Directors retains sole authority in determining eligibility for membership in any category. I understand and agree that continuing eligibility depends upon my employment being acceptable for membership by the terms of the SEJ bylaws, and upon my returning a completed survey each year to the membership committee. I understand and agree that if I engage in professional activity which renders me ineligible for membership in SEJ, I will notify the membership committee to withdraw my name from membership. I further understand and agree that, upon becoming a member of SEJ, I will abide by the membership policies of the Society of Environmental Journalists as stated below.
The SEJ Board of Directors may remove any SEJ member from the organization who is found to have violated the SEJ membership agreement.
Anti-Harassment Policy
All members attending or participating in SEJ-sponsored events, as well as members-only discussion listservs and closed social groups and forums, must adhere to SEJ's Anti-Harassment Policy.
Use of Member Directory
SEJ’s online member directory exists to allow greater ease of networking among members. Member data is not to be collected by members for the purpose of mass mailings or mass emailings, or to be added to an existing database or create a new database.
The online member directory is available only to current SEJ members and staff. No shared email accounts or addresses that can be accessed by more than one person may be used to access the online member directory.
Participation in Discussion Listservs and Social Media Groups
PURPOSE SEJ sponsors members-only discussion listservs and closed social media groups and forums (hereafter “lists and groups”) that are dedicated to conversing about the practice of environmental journalism and how to cover stories on the beat.
PRIVACY In order to foster frank and open communication among SEJ members, SEJ’s discussion lists and groups and their archives are private forums.
Postings to any SEJ lists and groups are considered off-the-record. They are not to be published, broadcast, redistributed or shared in any form beyond the lists and groups without the permission of the original author of the post.
“Published, broadcast, redistributed or shared” includes forwarding lists and groups postings via any format or means to any recipient. This rule applies even if there is no intention to name the author of the posting that you wish to forward, and regardless of the content of the posting.
Participants in lists and groups should always keep in mind that postings to any digital communications platform are very easy to share or leak. A good rule of thumb is that if you would not want your words to appear in the news, think carefully about whether you ought to post them to any SEJ lists and groups.
PERMISSION TO USE IN PUBLIC To publicly quote in any way or otherwise share or redistribute information from lists and groups by any means (including email forwarding and reposting on interactive computer services), permission must first be obtained from the author of that posting.
All SEJ members are bound by this obligation under this policy.
EXCEPTIONS TO PRIVACY AND PERMISSION RULES The following types of announcements to lists and groups may be shared without obtaining prior permission:
- Information about useful resources (such as: "Here's a good PFAS website..." or “Here’s a good article about…”)
- Very brief announcements of job openings, events or services
- General announcements about articles, publications, documentaries, podcasts or other media
If in doubt about whether you are allowed to share information posted to lists and groups, please request permission from the post’s original author.
Note: See below for rules regarding posting of press releases.
ETIQUETTE SEJ lists and groups are dedicated to conversing about the practice of environmental journalism.
The SEJ community functions on principles of cooperation and mutual respect. Frank expressions and civil exchanges about ideas help make lists and groups engaging and useful. Ideas can be stated strongly. If you find yourself in disagreement with another participant, it can be more constructive — and instructive — to take issue with that person’s comments, not the person themselves. Differences of opinion should not drift into rudeness, condescension and disrespect. Avoid creating or contributing to flame wars.
FAIR USE AND POSTING OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS When posting copyrighted material to lists and groups, fair use exemptions to the exclusive rights of copyholders apply. If the fair use legal exemption does not apply to any copyrighted material you wish to post to listservs and groups, you must obtain permission from the copyright holder before posting it. If that permission is given, your posting must indicate clearly who holds that copyright, and that you are posting with permission of that copyright holder. Under no circumstances should participants post copyrighted materials without permission.
PRESS RELEASES No full press releases may be posted to lists and groups. Announcements of one or two paragraphs posted in a conversational style and with contact information, or a link to more information elsewhere online, are permitted.
To post a full press release, use SEJ’s paid press release service, which is available to members at a special rate.
NO ATTACHED FILES Postings to SEJ discussion listservs cannot include attached files in any format. If you wish to make a file available to listserv participants, please post information on how interested people can obtain it from you directly, or find it online.
NO SHARED EMAIL ADDRESSES Lists and groups are open only to current SEJ members and staff. No shared email accounts or addresses that can be accessed by more than one person may be used to access lists and groups.
NO ILLEGALLY-OBTAINED INFORMATION Members may not post credit card information, account numbers, passwords or other personal information that was gained or is usable illegally to SEJ discussion listservs or closed social media groups.
REMOVAL Moderators of lists and groups, SEJ staff or the Executive Committee of the SEJ Board of Directors may remove from lists and groups any member who violates these policies. The member may appeal their removal to the Executive Committee.